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Seven Ways to Save Water in Your Summer Garden

Seven Ways to Save Water in Your Summer Garden

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the average American family uses 320 gallons of water per day, about 30 percent of which is devoted to outdoor needs. Think about how much water you use each summer. From watering the lawn to filling the kiddie pool, water usage during the hottest months can be costly – and detrimental to the planet.

How can you conserve water AND keep your summer garden in full bloom? Explore these seven tips for good watering habits during the dog days of summer:

  1. Water early in the day – but not every day. Morning is best when it comes to watering your lawn and garden. But you don’t need to water every single day. Check your soil to see when it is dry and water accordingly, perhaps every 2-3 days. Remember plants thrive when the soil has time to dry slightly in between waterings.
  2. Keep an eye on the weather. Stay aware of rainfall and temperature and water your garden accordingly. By watering less frequently, your garden will be healthier and less susceptible to drought.
  3. Check for leaks. Leaks are costly and wasteful and can go unnoticed for a long time. By preventing or stopping a leak, you’ll conserve a great deal of water and reduce your water bill. Here’s a tip on how to check your hose or water system for leaks.
  4. Go organic. Organic mulch is superior when it comes to absorbing water. Made of leaves, grass clippings, wood, and more, organic mulch holds excess water and helps to keep the soil moist longer while keeping its temperature cooler in the summer months.
  5. Choose water wise plants. Look for native and low water use plants in your garden. The National Wildlife Federation has a helpful search tool that allows you to find the best plants based on your region.
  6. Weed the garden often. By weeding on a regular basis, you’ll reduce your garden’s water needs, and prevent waste.
  7. Get creative. When it comes to saving water, there are many unique ways to conserve. Consider reusing rainwater, cooking water or even water from your shower or dehumidifier to water your garden.

Sources: Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Energy, and National Wildlife Federation

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